
To think of…

Happy or Unhappy Planet?

The New Economics Foundation is an independent think-and do-tank that looks at economic well being from another perspective than the prevailing one.

In July 2009 they presented the Happy Planet Index that shows the ecological efficiency for nations and how they convert the planet’s natural resources into lives for their citizens that is to say, combining environmental impact (footprints) with human well-being.

Which country/countries would you think have the highest ranking?

The Happy Planet Index


Everything in the world, all of creation is in a condition of constant change. One can express it like the only thing that stays the same is the cycle upon cycle of change.

There are two kinds of change; things that come together and things coming apart . The former is sometimes called development and the latter disintegration. Both of them are necessary for change to happen and are always connected to each other.

Why is this so natural event most often met by resistance?

Why do we fight against nature in the strive for status quo?


Charles Darwin is presumably the most important scientist the last 200 years. He challenged so many forces and presuppositions with his research. As many scientists which have had thought-provoking ideas he didn’t – in the beginning – dare to launch his thoughts. Fortunately, he presented them with aid from amongst others Thomas Huxley.

What are the major undeliberate falsehoods we today are facing?

Which are the “chosen truths” I have today, which in the future will be seen as lies?

The great Charles Darwin

Our enlightened and educated world.

Nations Brand Index (NBI) is one way amongst others to make a snapshot of a country. Talking about presuppositions and how we look at ourselves; most of the attending countries in the survey, put themselves on the top position summarising the following subjects: exports, governance, culture and heritage, people, tourism, investement and immigration.

Are we at all surprised?

What’s the underlying intention?

Sverigebilden 09 (The Swedish Institute’s report for Sweden, based on NBI)

The company behind NBI

Presupposition 4

It’s not a bad idea to re-evaluate one’s assumtions from time to time. All of us do have presuppositions (a thing tacitly assumed beforehand) and sometimes facts can be good to help us rethink or to reinforce our presuppositions.

The Sustainability Institute offers this thoughtful summary:

State of the village…

maintain vs sustain

Is it possible to accomplish sustainable growth?

Is it possible to reach maintainable growth?

How can we achieve growth which is true maintainable and sustainable?


Presupposition # 3

Change is inevitable.
Growth is optional.

How can growth be intenionally?

Why do we sometimes have goals without intentions (where we don’t direct attention to someone or something)?


Some persons get famous without contributing to a better world – nothing new about that. However, some persons affect all of us and makes the world a better place to be.

Internet celeberates its 40th anniversary 2009 but without Tim Berners Lee and his team’s further elaboration of the “invention” – the world wouldn’t have been as elucidated as it is today. Howcome he and his team is not taught in schools as the heroes they are? Why is one of the persons, who more than most influencers, have changed human history almost unknown?

As an old pay off said: “it’s all about technology, the rest is communication”…



Thousands of live bloggers from all over the world for a corporate event. More than 100 000 comments, blogs, tweets etc. within an hour from the closure of the even. 360 000 hits on Google’s advanced search for “iPhone 3GS” – less than 12 hours after the launch. Is there any equivalence to this huge interest in the world today?

No company can probably match, but how about politics? How about religion? 

Why is that?

Guided tour


Lyrik eller m.a.o. “poesi som ger uttryck åt subjektiva känslor och stämningar” är en av tre grundformer i litteraturen sen antikens dagar. Övriga två är epik och dramatik. 

Är utvecklingen av sociala medier en motreaktion mot all mätbarhet och alla undersökningar som görs?

Är utvecklingen av sociala medier bara lyrikens renässans?

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