Measuring the immeasurable…
Is an experience objective? Probably not. Is it subjective? Probably yes. Is an experience both conscious and unconscious? Definitely. Why do we then strive to measure experiences as if they were objective and only conscious?
Some lines of businesses, most often defined as ‘new’ (even though some are really old) try to make themselves leveled up with more tradtional lines of businesses, by measuring everything. E.g. the event industry, which paradoxically sometimes is referred to as the experience industry is at the moment probing different techniques for measuring the output of its work. In other words – they try to measure experiences.
In Buyology (truth and lies about why we buy) Martin Lindstrom states that we as emotional creatures, are driven by our unconscious mind in our decision making with up to 85%
. Martin Lindstrom is not the only person expressing these thoughts . The question which is quite riveting is thus; Why do probably 100% of all our research (especially marketing surveys) rely on conscious research techniques?
Maybe it’s time to sing a song of praise to our subjective experiences, experienced with our senses – and rely upon them?