
Presupposition # 19 – Global Prejudice Index

For the keen reader of propositum’s site you’ve noticed how we encourage you to pay attention to the intention, of the things you measure. We’ve also been fascinated by the urge for all rankings and lists – irrespective of subject – and also been interested in the force that our presuppositions engender


Richard Florida the author of ‘The rise of the creative class’ has together with his colleagues put together a Global Prejudice Index which one can think is just another index and ranking – however there are some conclusions in their work that is worth considering. In this article ‘The high price of prejudice’ in The Atlantic, Richard Florida goes deeper into it . By asking the following questions: Is the city or area where you live a good place or not a good place to live for regarding: Religious minorities, Ethnic and racial minorities, Gays and lesbians & Immigrants from foreign countries, the index has been compiled. One can argue about how they’ve put the index together (it’s funny to rank prejudices since the respondents preconceived ideas is the foundation for the results…) however the conclusions and the implication of them are really remarkable

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. According To Mr Florida – prejudice is not just morally dishonorable, it’s also bad for the economy

So, Which are your main prejudices? Which of them assist you, in reaching what you strive for? Which of them are obstacles for you?

80 comments for “Presupposition # 19 – Global Prejudice Index”

  1. sebastien 13 Dec 2019, 10:08

    Hi guys, my name is Sebastien Macfarlane!

    I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
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  2. lucille 20 Dec 2019, 11:18

    Hi everyone , I’m Lucille.
    Welcome to my about page. I started writing in my early school years after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for several months before I thought about doing something else.
    I had always loved doing research assignments because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing skill with a love of learning, research paper writing only makes sense as a job.
    I’m passionate about aiding the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

    Lucille – Academic Writing Help – Team

  3. evamccarthy 24 Dec 2019, 10:52

    Hey guys, my name is Eva Mccarthy!

    I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
    Writing has been my passion for a long time and now I can`t imagine my life without it.
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    People ask me “Sir, Eva Mccarthy, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time!

    Professional Academic Writer – Eva – Corps

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  6. barney 14 Feb 2020, 10:24

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  7. donte 28 Feb 2020, 17:09

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    I’m passionate about helping the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

    Donte Howard – Writing Expert – Company

  8. brayden 12 Mar 2020, 15:05

    Hello everyone , I’m Calvin Edwards.
    Welcome to my about page. I started writing in middle school after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for several months before I thought about doing something else.
    I had always loved doing non-fiction writing because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing skill with a love of learning, dissertation writing only makes sense as a job.
    I’m passionate about helping the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

    Calvin – Professional Academic Writer – Corps

  9. marianna 18 Mar 2020, 13:47

    Hi everyone , I’m Marianna.
    Welcome to my homepage . I started writing in high school after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for a while before I thought about doing something else.
    I had always loved doing non-fiction writing because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing skill with a love of learning, research paper writing only makes sense as a job.
    I’m passionate about assisting the students of the future in their school career. When they don’t have time for their paper , I am there to help.

    Marianna – Writing Expert – Confederation

  10. bentley 19 Mar 2020, 09:15

    Welcome to my blog ! I’m Regan Hackett.
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    I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in science when we had to do a research assignment .
    Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to schools because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.

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  11. alton 3 Apr 2020, 09:31

    Hello, my name is Alton!

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    Writing has been my passion since early childhood and now I can`t imagine my life without it.
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    People ask me “Hey, Alton, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems!

    Professional Academic Writer – Alton Sawyer – 10 Most Common College Freshman Mistakes Corp

  12. albert 6 Apr 2020, 08:00

    Welcome to my blog ! I’m Albert Mata.
    Even though I jokingly credit my grandmother for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my grandmother is a writer, I also started out young.
    I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in history when we had to do a research writing assignment.
    Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to communities because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.

    Albert – Professional Writer – jennBi Team

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  15. kalem 21 Apr 2020, 08:32

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    I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
    Writing has been my passion for a long time and now I cannot imagine my life without it.
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  16. montell 21 Apr 2020, 08:36

    Hi Everybody
    Thanks for checking out my about page. My name is Montell Rivera.
    I have worked several years in this niche. My interest in writing started at a young age. I wrote poetry as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
    This early tryst into reporting eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for professional writers. I specialize in research papers , but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
    Email me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

    Academic Writer – Montell – Seven tips for writers Corp

  17. gabriel 21 Apr 2020, 08:54

    Welcome everyone ! I’m Gabriel.
    Even though I jokingly credit my grandmother for my writing talent, I know that it is a talent I have fostered from childhood. Though my aunt is a writer, I also started out young.
    I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite teacher . I was always so excited in history when we had to do a research assignment .
    Now, I help current pupils achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to schools because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

    Gabriel – Academic Writing Professional – Bronwyn Leigh Corp

  18. leticia 19 May 2020, 08:46

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    Professional academic Writer – Leticia – Jason Blois Confederation

  19. johnathan 19 May 2020, 08:48

    My name is Johnathan. And I am a professional academic writer with many years of experience in writing.

    My interest is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several associations as a volunteer and have assisted clients in many ways.
    My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a passionate writer who started at an early age.
    I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my works in different countries like Canada and China and others too numerous to mention.
    I also work in a company that provides assistance to many people from different parts of the world. People always come to me because I work no matter how hard their projects are. I help them to save time, because I feel fulfilled when people come to me for writing help.

    Academic Writer – Johnathan – RYANMOORE Company

  20. genevieve 19 May 2020, 08:51

    Hey guys, I am Genevieve an expert in academic writing.

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    I have been writing since I was 12 years old and never knew it would turn out to be a full-time career. I have also been able to manage several assignments that involves writing. And I worked in three organizations as a volunteer to assist people.My interest has always been to help people succeed. And I go the extra mile to make that happen.
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    Expert writer – Genevieve Blackwell – RMoore Band

  21. anton 28 May 2020, 10:23

    Welcome everyone ! I’m Anton.
    Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a talent I have fostered from childhood. Though my grandmother is a writer, I also started out young.
    I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research paper .
    Now, I help current students achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to schools because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

    Anton – Academic Writer – Do writer needs a blog? Company

  22. jeanne 23 Jun 2020, 15:36

    Hi, my name is Jeanne Denton!

    I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
    Writing has been my passion for a long time and now I can`t imagine my life without it.
    Most of my books were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even Russia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves.
    People ask me “Sir, Jeanne, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems!

    Professional Academic Writer – Jeanne – Corps

  23. ianis 7 Jul 2020, 14:41

    Hello, I’m Ianis.
    Welcome to my about page. I started writing in middle school after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for several months before I thought about doing something else.
    I had always loved doing non-fiction writing because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing ability with a love of learning, academic writing only makes sense as a job.
    I’m passionate about assisting the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

    Ianis – Professional Academic Writer – Band

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